Installing a new skylight on your roof is a fantastic way to invite more light into your home. However, not all rooflines are the same! Before making your grand plans for introducing new light into the dark rooms of your home, learn the proper positioning requirements for installing a skylight on your roofline. Specifically, how close a skylight can be to a roof valley. Let’s take a look at what you need to know.
Can a Skylight Be Close to a Roof Valley?
Making the most of your new skylight also means having the skylight installed in the most ideal area of your roof. Proper placement and positioning of your new skylight is essential to prevent leaks and other moisture issues, too. Buildup of water from rain or runoff needs to be funneled away from your roof and not directed toward valleys or roof sections near your skylights.
You want to avoid placing skylights near valleys and avoid cutting back any roofing sections to install a skylight. Doing so can lead to roof damage, leaks, and debris buildup. Reviewing suitable skylight positioning with a skylight professional is important, but speaking with your roofing professional is also vital to appropriate placement and positioning.
If the valley area will not properly support your new skylight, it’s best to locate the skylight somewhere else. Placing the skylight in an area that is more secure and sturdier is the better way to go even if it means not as much light might shine through.
Where Shouldn’t I Put a Skylight
No one wants to make significant modifications to a home’s roof in order to install a new skylight. Preserving the integrity of your roof is both desirable and critical. To do this, avoid installing a new skylight near a valley, seam, eave, chimney, vents, on flat sections, or other roofing structures to preserve the structure of your roofing system.
It’s also important to install a skylight on a roof with the right kind of roof structure. A truss-designed roof, for example, can make it difficult to properly locate a skylight.
If you are installing skylights in a roof system while a new roof is being installed, plan the appropriate skylight placement from the beginning. If your roof is an existing structure to your home, it can be a bit trickier to confirm suitable placement to avoid debris or moisture buildup.
Rules for Skylight Spacing
The optimal places on your roof that support ideal sunlight, your roofline, and the construction of your roof will differ.
If you must place your skylight near a valley or other roofing structure, try to keep it at a 3-foot distance. We also recommend reviewing the specifications for your skylight brand, and utilize sealants and install flashing.
When the roof position of your new skylight is confirmed, its distance from valleys needs to provide displacement of moisture and debris, and not confine it or restrict movement. Placing skylights and ensuring adequate spacing from other roofing components will contribute significantly to overall success of your skylight project.
Your Local Austin, TX Roofing Professionals
We strive to bring you the best in roofing for the Austin, Texas area. We deliver decades of roofing experience, training, and knowledge in this area’s needs. We are a prominent roofing company in residential roof repair and roof replacement. We will not ask for a deposit on labor or materials as a dependable way to stand out from the competition while bringing you the best product and service in Austin.
When we inspect, install, or repair your roof, we want to provide you with the best options for your roof design, components, and ventilation. We are Master Elite Contractors bringing you the latest in roofing technology, and a member of our local area Better Business Bureau, so you know we take pride in our work and our community.
Contact us by phone or email to schedule your FREE roofing inspection and quote today.