Solar panels are an attractive option to homeowners who are environmentally-conscious or who want the long-term energy savings they provide. One common hesitation to installing solar panels on the roof of your home is a concern about roof leaks. To begin, working with qualified solar and roofing professionals is one of the best ways to […]
Roofing Blog
How to Negotiate a Roof Replacement with your Insurance Company
Has a terrible storm left you with a lot of roof damage and you’re now faced with a roof replacement? Bad weather happens and it’s why we all carry homeowner’s insurance. So, what do you do now that you’ve had your roof inspected and need to file a claim with your insurance company? In this […]
What is Considered Minor Roof Repair?
Over the years of owning your home, your roof might develop some minor issues that need to be fixed. Not all roofing damage is caused by large-scale storms, fire, or fallen trees; smaller storms, pests, and age can produce small roof problems that don’t require a full replacement but should be fixed to extend your […]
Can you Make an Insurance Claim for your Roof Repair?
Homeowners carry insurance on their house in order to protect their dwelling and its contents. It’s likely your home will need some amount of roof repair during the years you own it. Most homeowner’s insurance will cover repairs to your roof if there is sudden damage. For example, if a tree falls on your home, […]
Types of Roof Repairs for a Home
Your roof is a dynamic part of your Austin home. Over time, a roof will change, wear, and withstand weather problems. While an asphalt shingle roof is designed and manufactured to defy all types of weather and temperature changes, it will absorb these difficulties and eventually break. Over a long lifetime, a roof could be […]
Why Does my Roof Only Leak Sometimes?
The source of a roof leak isn’t always cut and dry. Excuse the pun, but the reason for the leak in your roof may not seem consistent or be easy to determine. For example, sometimes it will rain and you won’t notice a water leak. Other times, you might see water dripping from a light […]